Personalized email invitations

Invitation Management

The tool for your invitation management. Professional email marketing for your events. Personalized content and designs. Invite an event with just a few clicks.

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Personalized and automated

Templates for your event invitation

With our email template editor, you have your invitation management under control. Create your own templates for save-the-dates, invitations, reminders, etc. In edit mode, you coordinate graphics and attachments via drag & drop and define design, content and all other settings.

Templates for your event invitation

Our tool for sending your email invitation

Create attractive and professional email invitations including a personal salutation with just a few clicks. Choose the appropriate design from our email templates and adapt it individually to your needs. Add image and text elements, upload your logo and personalize your content — done!

How does it work?

In a short video, we will explain to you how to set up an email with us.

Watch video
David shows you how to do it.
Templates for your event invitation David

Email center and statistics

E-mails form the central communication channel between you and your guests. In the email center, all emails are collected and every process step is documented. Statistics such as shipping status, opening rates, undeliverable emails and downloads are available at any time.

Wallet and PDF tickets with QR code

Editor for your event ticket

With the AirLST ticket editor, you can design unique wallet tickets in your look & feel. In click and edit mode, you select individual elements of your ticket and exchange background image, text, color or logo. Of course, tickets can also be generated and sent as a PDF.

Event ticketing
Attendee management and virtual events

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Create your own event with up to 50 guests. Create a landing page, send emails, and scan tickets.
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Your tool for perfect invitation management

An important and not to be underestimated part of event planning is that Invitation management. Ob Online exhibition, conference, gala or incentive The organization of every event includes attentive invitation management. For guests, the invitation is the first impression they get of an event. Play for invitation management therefore Einladungsmanagement spielen deshalb Graphics and design an important role. Invitation management should therefore always consider the motivating factor of the invitations themselves. Invitations, regardless of whether they need to be sent by email or post visually appealing be, draw appropriate attention to the event, whose Reflect orientation And yourself at corporate design Orient the host.

show everything

We provide you with the AirLST email editor, which gives you a firm grip on your invitation management. Use our proven templates and edit our templates so that they match your ideas and corporate design. In editing mode, you set colors and fonts, and graphics and attachments are simply dragged and dropped into the email. Content can be edited at any time. However, invitation management does not just include the invitation itself. In advance, a Einladung selbst. Vorab kann bereits ein Save-the-Date be sent after the invitation is successful Einladung wird bei erfolgreicher Online registration a confirmation of registration or, in case of cancellation, regret about it. Invitation management also includes the process of sending tickets, sending a thank-you email after the event and, if necessary, surveys. Careful and proactive planning of invitation management is therefore essential. With the first invitation, guests are directed to the event landing page where the event registration takes place. Invitation management is therefore part of the general Participant management software and closely interwoven with the management of guests and their cancellations. A software tool such as AirLST, which handles the guest management of an event, therefore offers invitation management tailored to the entire guest management system. This invitation management is created in the corporate design of the event and automatically sent to all guests. Also shipping from tickets is part of invitation management.Flexible ticket formats are attached to emails or printed QR code sent by post. Die event statistics Provide information about the success of invitation management at any time. Since your invitation management is central to planning and running your event, reliable figures are essential here. So that you always have an overview, you can see at a glance which process step is currently active and can also see what's happening at any time: shipping status, emails that could not be delivered and opening rates can be found in the email center.

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